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Documentation for SSLCOMMERZ

In this section you'll find basic information about SSLCOMMERZ and how to install it and use it properly. If you're first time user then you should read Getting Started section first.


Documentation ( Version: 4.00 )

Updated: May 12th, 2019

Checkpoint Tips:

  • For registration in Sandbox, click the link
  • For registration in Production, click the link
  • There are two processes of integration:
    1. SSLCOMMERZ Easy Checkout in your checkout page
    2. Redirect the customer from your checkout page to SSLCOMMERZ Hosted page
  • You will use three APIs of SSLCOMMERZ to complete the integration:
    1. Create and Get Session
    2. Receive Payment Notification (IPN)
    3. Order Validation API
  • You must validate your transaction and amount by calling our Order Validation API
  • You must develop the IPN url to receive the payment notification
  • Sometime you will get Risk payments (In response you will get risk properties, value will be 0 for safe, 1 for risky). It depends on you to provide the service or not

Notification! We accept only TLS 1.2 or upper version

  • To Test: You can run the below command from your server host in command line
  • Command: root@server# curl "" -v
  • Output: TLS is okay
  • Remarks: If you get the output as “TLS is okay”, then your server supports updated TLS

SSLCOMMERZ is the first payment gateway in Bangladesh opening doors for merchants to receive payments on the internet via their online stores. Customers are able to buy products online using their credit cards as well as bank accounts. If you are a merchant, you have come to the right place! Enhance your business by integrating SSLCOMMERZ to your online store and facilitating online payment in Bangladeshi Taka. Your customers will be able to pay for your products using local credit/debit cards like VISA, MasterCard, DBBL Nexus Card and any kind of credit card or bank accounts right from your online store. SSLCOMMERZ uses industry standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology which is used worldwide for securing data encryption.

There are two ways to display the SSLCOMMERZ payment page for your customer.

1. Easy Checkout Integration

It is a embedded js integration within your site which will display the payment channels in your page.

2. Hosted Payment Integration

Here, you will redirect the customer to SSLCOMMERZ Hosted page to display the payment channels.

Technical or Backend Integration Process

For both Easy Checkout or Hosted Payment Integration, the backend API communication will be executed in similar way. Due to the security issue and to avoid data tampering, you must call the SSLCOMMERZ APIs from your server.


The above steps can be categorized in three sections based on the development process described below.

Transaction Initiate

The Steps 1, 2 and 3 are used to make the request for a new transaction. After getting confirmation of checkout from customer, merchant server sends a request to SSLCOMMERZ server to get a Session ID. If all the credentials and mandatory fields are valid, then SSLCOMMERZ provides a Session ID to Merchant System. After receiving the Session ID, Merchant System redirects the customer to payment page with Session ID.

Handling Payment Notification

The Step 4 and 5 are processed at this stage. For any notification, SSLCOMMERZ will send HTTP message in POST method called IPN Message to the Listener which is to be configured by the Merchant at their SSLCOMMERZ Administrator Panel. After receiving the message, you must validate the message with Transaction Validation API of SSLCOMMERZ.

Service Confirmation

At Step 5, SSLCOMMERZ will redirect the customer to merchant’s side. At this stage, Merchant will display the notification of Service Confirmation.

Payment Process Environment

We have both Live environment and Test/Sandbox environment in SSLCOMMERZ. You just need to use proper URL and Store ID's to process payments. We provide separate store ID for live and test.

Live Environment

All the transaction made using this environment are counted as real transaction, URL starts with

Sandbox Environment

All the transaction made using this environment are counted as test transaction and has no effect with accounting, URL starts with

Test Credit Card Account Numbers

  • Card Number: 4111111111111111
  • Exp: 12/25
  • CVV: 111
  • Card Number: 5111111111111111
  • Exp: 12/25
  • CVV: 111
American Express
  • Card Number: 371111111111111
  • Exp: 12/25
  • CVV: 111
Mobile OTP
  • 111111 or 123456

Initiate Payment

For initiating payment processing, at first you need to enable HTTP IPN Listener to listen the payments. So that you can update your database accordingly even customer got connectivity issue to return back to your website.

Ready the Parameters

Some mandatory parameters need to pass to SSLCOMMERZ. It identify your customers and orders. Also you have to pass the success, fail, cancel url to redirect your customer after pay.

Request Parameters

Param Name Data Type Description
Integration Required Parameters
store_id string (30) Mandatory – Your SSLCOMMERZ Store ID is the integration credential which can be collected through our managers
store_passwd string (30) Mandatory – Your SSLCOMMERZ Store Password is the integration credential which can be collected through our managers
total_amount decimal (10,2) Mandatory – The amount which will process by SSLCOMMERZ. It shall be decimal value (10,2). Example : 55.40. The transaction amount must be from 10.00 BDT to 500000.00 BDT
currency string (3) Mandatory – The currency type must be mentioned. It shall be three characters. Example : BDT, USD, EUR, SGD, INR, MYR, etc. If the transaction currency is not BDT, then it will be converted to BDT based on the current convert rate. Example : 1 USD = 82.22 BDT.
tran_id string (30) Mandatory – Unique transaction ID to identify your order in both your end and SSLCOMMERZ
product_category string (50) Mandatory – Mention the product category. It is a open field. Example – clothing,shoes,watches,gift,healthcare, jewellery,top up,toys,baby care,pants,laptop,donation,etc
success_url string (255) Mandatory – It is the callback URL of your website where user will redirect after successful payment (Length: 255)
fail_url string (255) Mandatory – It is the callback URL of your website where user will redirect after any failure occure during payment (Length: 255)
cancel_url string (255) Mandatory – It is the callback URL of your website where user will redirect if user canceled the transaction (Length: 255)
ipn_url string (255) Important! Not mandatory,
however better to use to avoid missing any payment notification
– It is the Instant Payment Notification (IPN) URL of your website where SSLCOMMERZ will send the transaction’s status (Length: 255). The data will be communicated as SSLCOMMERZ Server to your Server. So, customer session will not work. IPN is very important feature to integrate with your site(s). Some transaction could be pending or customer lost his/her session, in such cases back-end IPN plays a very important role to update your backend office.
multi_card_name string (30) Do not Use! If you do not customize the gateway list – You can control to display the gateway list at SSLCOMMERZ gateway selection page by providing this parameters.

brac_visa = BRAC VISA
dbbl_visa = Dutch Bangla VISA
city_visa = City Bank Visa
ebl_visa = EBL Visa
sbl_visa = Southeast Bank Visa
brac_master = BRAC MASTER
dbbl_master = MASTER Dutch-Bangla
city_master = City Master Card
ebl_master = EBL Master Card
sbl_master = Southeast Bank Master Card
city_amex = City Bank AMEX
qcash = QCash
dbbl_nexus = DBBL Nexus
bankasia = Bank Asia IB
abbank = AB Bank IB
ibbl = IBBL IB and Mobile Banking
mtbl = Mutual Trust Bank IB
bkash = Bkash Mobile Banking
dbblmobilebanking = DBBL Mobile Banking
city = City Touch IB
upay = Upay
tapnpay = Tap N Pay Gateway

internetbank = For all internet banking
mobilebank = For all mobile banking
othercard = For all cards except visa,master and amex
visacard = For all visa
mastercard = For All Master card
amexcard = For Amex Card
allowed_bin string (255) Do not Use! If you do not control on transaction – You can provide the BIN of card to allow the transaction must be completed by this BIN. You can declare by coma ‘,’ separate of these BIN. Example: 371598,371599,376947,376948,376949
Parameters to Handle EMI Transaction
emi_option integer (1) Mandatory – This is mandatory if transaction is EMI enabled and Value must be 1/0. Here, 1 means customer will get EMI facility for this transaction
emi_max_inst_option integer (2) Max instalment Option, Here customer will get 3,6, 9 instalment at gateway page
emi_selected_inst integer (2) Customer has selected from your Site, So no instalment option will be displayed at gateway page
emi_allow_only integer (1) Value is 1/0, if value is 1 then only EMI transaction is possible, in payment page. No Mobile banking and internet banking channel will not display. This parameter depends on emi_option and emi_selected_inst
Customer Information
cus_name string (50) Mandatory – Your customer name to address the customer in payment receipt email
cus_email string (50) Mandatory – Valid email address of your customer to send payment receipt from SSLCOMMERZ end
cus_add1 string (50) Mandatory – Address of your customer. Not mandatory but useful if provided
cus_add2 string (50) Address line 2 of your customer. Not mandatory but useful if provided
cus_city string (50) Mandatory – City of your customer. Not mandatory but useful if provided
cus_state string (50) State of your customer. Not mandatory but useful if provided
cus_postcode string (30) Mandatory – Postcode of your customer. Not mandatory but useful if provided
cus_country string (50) Mandatory – Country of your customer. Not mandatory but useful if provided
cus_phone string (20) Mandatory – The phone/mobile number of your customer to contact if any issue arises


cus_fax string (20) Fax number of your customer. Not mandatory but useful if provided
Shipment Information
shipping_method string (50) Mandatory – Shipping method of the order. Example: YES or NO or Courier or SSLCOMMERZ_LOGISTIC.


num_of_item integer (1) Mandatory – No of product will be shipped. Example: 1 or 2 or etc


weight_of_items decimal (10,2) Mandatory – Weight of products will be shipped. Example: 0.5 or 2.00 or etc in kg


logistic_pickup_id string (50) Mandatory – This is a id from where the SSLCOMMERZ logistic partners will come to receive your product for shipment. You will set and get this pickup information from your merchant portal provided by SSLCOMMERZ.


logistic_delivery_type string (50) Mandatory – This information is required by SSLCOMMERZ logistic partners before receiving your product for shipment.


ship_name string (50) Mandatory, if shipping_method is YES – Shipping Address of your order. Not mandatory but useful if provided


ship_add1 string (50) Mandatory, if shipping_method is YES – Additional Shipping Address of your order. Not mandatory but useful if provided


ship_add2 string (50) Additional Shipping Address of your order. Not mandatory but useful if provided


ship_area string (50) Mandatory, if shipping_method is YES – Shipping area of your order. Not mandatory but useful if provided


ship_city string (50) Mandatory, if shipping_method is YES – Shipping city of your order. Not mandatory but useful if provided


ship_sub_city string (50) Mandatory, if shipping_method is YES – Shipping sub city or sub-district or thana of your order. Not mandatory but useful if provided


ship_state string (50) Shipping state of your order. Not mandatory but useful if provided
ship_postcode string (50) Mandatory, if shipping_method is YES – Shipping postcode of your order. Not mandatory but useful if provided


ship_country string (50) Mandatory, if shipping_method is YES – Shipping country of your order. Not mandatory but useful if provided
Product Information
product_name string (255) Mandatory – Mention the product name briefly. Mention the product name by coma separate. Example: Computer,Speaker
product_category string (100) Mandatory – Mention the product category. Example: Electronic or topup or bus ticket or air ticket
product_profile string (100) Mandatory – Mention goods vertical. It is very much necessary for online transactions to avoid chargeback.
Please use the below keys:
  1. general
  2. physical-goods
  3. non-physical-goods
  4. airline-tickets
  5. travel-vertical
  6. telecom-vertical
hours_till_departure string (30) Mandatory, if product_profile is airline-tickets – Provide the remaining time of departure of flight till at the time of purchasing the ticket. Example: 12 hrs or 36 hrs
flight_type string (30) Mandatory, if product_profile is airline-tickets – Provide the flight type. Example: Oneway or Return or Multistop
pnr string (50) Mandatory, if product_profile is airline-tickets – Provide the PNR.
journey_from_to string (255) Mandatory, if product_profile is airline-tickets – Provide the journey route. Example: DAC-CGP or DAC-CGP CGP-DAC
third_party_booking string (20) Mandatory, if product_profile is airline-tickets – No/Yes. Whether the ticket has been taken from third party booking system.
hotel_name string (255) Mandatory, if product_profile is travel-vertical – Please provide the hotel name. Example: Sheraton
length_of_stay string (30) Mandatory, if product_profile is travel-vertical – How long stay in hotel. Example: 2 days
check_in_time string (30) Mandatory, if product_profile is travel-vertical – Checking hours for the hotel room. Example: 24 hrs
hotel_city string (50) Mandatory, if product_profile is travel-vertical – Location of the hotel. Example: Dhaka
product_type string (30) Mandatory, if product_profile is telecom-vertical – For mobile or any recharge, this information is necessary. Example: Prepaid or Postpaid
topup_number string (150) Mandatory, if product_profile is telecom-vertical – Provide the mobile number which will be recharged. Example: 8801700000000 or 8801700000000,8801900000000
country_topup string (30) Mandatory, if product_profile is telecom-vertical – Provide the country name in where the service is given. Example: Bangladesh
cart json JSON data with two elements. product : Max 255 characters, quantity : Quantity in numeric value and amount : Decimal (12,2)
[{"sku":"REF00001","product":"DHK TO BRS AC A1","quantity":"1","amount":"200.00","unit_price":"200.00"},{"sku":"REF00002","product":"DHK TO BRS AC A2","quantity":"1","amount":"200.00","unit_price":"200.00"},{"sku":"REF00003","product":"DHK TO BRS AC A3","quantity":"1","amount":"200.00","unit_price":"200.00"},{"sku":"REF00004","product":"DHK TO BRS AC A4","quantity":"2","amount":"200.00","unit_price":"100.00"}]


product_amount decimal (10,2) Product price which will be displayed in your merchant panel and will help you to reconcile the transaction. It shall be decimal value (10,2). Example : 50.40
vat decimal (10,2) The VAT included on the product price which will be displayed in your merchant panel and will help you to reconcile the transaction. It shall be decimal value (10,2). Example : 4.00
discount_amount decimal (10,2) Discount given on the invoice which will be displayed in your merchant panel and will help you to reconcile the transaction. It shall be decimal value (10,2). Example : 2.00
convenience_fee decimal (10,2) Any convenience fee imposed on the invoice which will be displayed in your merchant panel and will help you to reconcile the transaction. It shall be decimal value (10,2). Example : 3.00
Customized or Additional Parameters
value_a string (255) Extra parameter to pass your meta data if it is needed. Not mandatory
value_b string (255) Extra parameter to pass your meta data if it is needed. Not mandatory
value_c string (255) Extra parameter to pass your meta data if it is needed. Not mandatory
value_d string (255) Extra parameter to pass your meta data if it is needed. Not mandatory

New Notification: The parameters in where this text Required For SSLCOMMERZ_LOGISTIC is mentioned, it must be required for the new logistic support provided by SSLCOMMERZ from 1st October 2022.

Returned Parameters

Param Name Data Type Description
status string (10) API connectivity status. If all the required data is provided, then it will return as SUCCESS, neither it will be FAILED
failedreason string (255) If API connectivity is failed then it returns the reason.
sessionkey string (50) A unique session key which must be saved at your system to query the transaction status any time (if required).
gw string It will list all active gateways. If you add this key with the parameter of redirectGatewayURL, then it will be redirected to that gateway directly. All these gateway keys are classified into six major categories. Such as visa, master, amex, othercards, internetbanking and mobilebanking.
GatewayPageURL string (255) The URL to where you will redirect the customer to pay. This is the main URL which you will use for the integration.
storeBanner string (255) It will return the image URL if any banner is uploaded against the store.
storeLogo string (255) It will return the image URL if any logo is uploaded against the store.
desc string All gateways’ brief description. If you want to know about the individual gateway key, then this parameter will help you. Example: search visacard in the element gw of this parameter, then you will get the gateway name, type and logo.

CREATE and GET Session

Make an array by using those parameters fill with data, You need to create session at SSLCOMMERZ end. You have to call initiation API to generate session and get in response.

POST gwprocess/v4/api.php

Request Example

$ curl -X POST
cus_name=Customer Name&
ship_name=Customer Name&
ship_add1 =Dhaka&

Response Example
         "name":"AMEX-City Bank",
         "name":"Fast Cash",
         "name":"DBBL Mobile Banking",
         "name":"AB Direct",
         "name":"Bank Asia",
         "name":"VISA-Eastern Bank Limited",
         "name":"MASTER-Eastern Bank Limited",
         "name":"VISA-City Bank",
         "name":"MASTER-City bank",
         "name":"VISA-Brac bank",
         "name":"MASTER-Brac bank",
         "name":"VISA-Dutch bank",
         "name":"MASTER-Dutch Bangla",


PHP Code to Initiate the Transaction

/* PHP */
$post_data = array();
$post_data['store_id'] = "testbox";
$post_data['store_passwd'] = "qwerty";
$post_data['total_amount'] = "103";
$post_data['currency'] = "BDT";
$post_data['tran_id'] = "SSLCZ_TEST_".uniqid();
$post_data['success_url'] = "http://localhost/new_sslcz_gw/success.php";
$post_data['fail_url'] = "http://localhost/new_sslcz_gw/fail.php";
$post_data['cancel_url'] = "http://localhost/new_sslcz_gw/cancel.php";
# $post_data['multi_card_name'] = "mastercard,visacard,amexcard";  # DISABLE TO DISPLAY ALL AVAILABLE

$post_data['emi_option'] = "1";
$post_data['emi_max_inst_option'] = "9";
$post_data['emi_selected_inst'] = "9";

$post_data['cus_name'] = "Test Customer";
$post_data['cus_email'] = "";
$post_data['cus_add1'] = "Dhaka";
$post_data['cus_add2'] = "Dhaka";
$post_data['cus_city'] = "Dhaka";
$post_data['cus_state'] = "Dhaka";
$post_data['cus_postcode'] = "1000";
$post_data['cus_country'] = "Bangladesh";
$post_data['cus_phone'] = "01711111111";
$post_data['cus_fax'] = "01711111111";

$post_data['ship_name'] = "Store Test";
$post_data['ship_add1 '] = "Dhaka";
$post_data['ship_add2'] = "Dhaka";
$post_data['ship_city'] = "Dhaka";
$post_data['ship_state'] = "Dhaka";
$post_data['ship_postcode'] = "1000";
$post_data['ship_country'] = "Bangladesh";

$post_data['value_a'] = "ref001";
$post_data['value_b '] = "ref002";
$post_data['value_c'] = "ref003";
$post_data['value_d'] = "ref004";

$post_data['cart'] = json_encode(array(
    array("product"=>"DHK TO BRS AC A1","amount"=>"200.00"),
    array("product"=>"DHK TO BRS AC A2","amount"=>"200.00"),
    array("product"=>"DHK TO BRS AC A3","amount"=>"200.00"),
    array("product"=>"DHK TO BRS AC A4","amount"=>"200.00")
$post_data['product_amount'] = "100";
$post_data['vat'] = "5";
$post_data['discount_amount'] = "5";
$post_data['convenience_fee'] = "3";

API Endpoint (Sandbox/Test Environment):

API Endpoint (Live Environment):

Method: POST ( CURL for PHP, httpwebrequest for .NET and etc)

$direct_api_url = "";

$handle = curl_init();
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_URL, $direct_api_url );
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_POST, 1 );
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

$content = curl_exec($handle );

$code = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

if($code == 200 && !( curl_errno($handle))) {
	curl_close( $handle);
	$sslcommerzResponse = $content;
} else {
	curl_close( $handle);

$sslcz = json_decode($sslcommerzResponse, true );

if(isset($sslcz['GatewayPageURL']) && $sslcz['GatewayPageURL']!="" ) {
        # THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO REDIRECT - Javascript, Meta Tag or Php Header Redirect or Other
        # echo "<script>window.location.href = '". $sslcz['GatewayPageURL'] ."';</script>";
	echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url=".$sslcz['GatewayPageURL']."'>";
	# header("Location: ". $sslcz['GatewayPageURL']);
} else {
	echo "JSON Data parsing error!";

You have to parse GatewayPageURL field from this json response and redirect user to this url.

Validate Payment with IPN

Remember, We have set an IPN URL in first step so that your server can listen at the right moment when payment is done at Bank End. So, It is important to validate the transaction notification to maintain security and standard.

Grab the Notification

As IPN URL already set in panel. All the payment notification will reach through IPN prior to user return back. So it needs validation for amount and transaction properly.

The IPN will send a POST REQUEST with below parameters. Grab the post notification with your desired platform ( PHP: $_POST)

Param Name Data Type Description
status string (20) Transaction Status – as VALID / FAILED / CANCELLED / EXPIRED / UNATTEMPTED This parameter needs to be checked before update your database
  • VALID : A successful transaction.
  • FAILED : Transaction is declined by customer’s Issuer Bank.
  • CANCELLED : Transaction is cancelled by the customer.
  • UNATTEMPTED : Customer did not choose to pay any channel.
  • EXPIRED : Payment Timeout.
tran_date datetime Transaction date – Payment completion date as 2016-05-08 15:53:49 ( PHP date(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’) )
tran_id string (30) Transaction ID (Unique) that was sent by you during initiation. This parameter needs to be validated with your system database for security
val_id string (50) A Validation ID against the Transaction which is provided by SSLCOMMERZ.
amount decimal (10,2) The total amount sent by you. However, it could be changed based on currency type. This parameter needs to be validated with your system database for security
store_amount decimal (10,2) The amount what you will get in your account after bank charge ( Example: 100 BDT will be your store amount of 96 BDT after 4% Bank Commission )
card_type string (50) The Bank Gateway Name that customer selected
card_no string (80) Customer’s Card number. However, for Mobile Banking and Internet Banking, it will return customer’s reference id.
currency string (3) Currency Type which will be settled with your merchant account after deducting the Gateway charges. This parameter is the currency type of the parameter amount
bank_tran_id string (80) The transaction ID at Banks End
card_issuer string (100) Issuer Bank Name
card_brand string (30) VISA, MASTER, AMEX, IB or MOBILE BANKING
card_issuer_country string (50) Country of Card Issuer Bank
card_issuer_country_code string (2) 2 digits short code of Country of Card Issuer Bank
currency_type string (3) The currency you have sent during initiation of this transaction. If the currency is different than BDT, then it will be converted to BDT by the current conversion rate. This parameter needs to be validated with your system database for security
currency_amount decimal (10,2) The currency amount you have sent during initiation of this transaction. If the amount is not mentioned in BDT, then it will be converted to BDT by the current conversion rate and return by the above field amount. This parameter needs to be validated with your system database for security
value_a string (255) Same Value will be returned as Passed during initiation
value_b string (255) Same Value will be returned as Passed during initiation
value_c string (255) Same Value will be returned as Passed during initiation
value_d string (255) Same Value will be returned as Passed during initiation
verify_sign string (255) Data Validation Key
verify_key string Data Validation Key
risk_level integer (1) Transaction’s Risk Level – High (1) for most risky transactions and Low (0) for safe transactions. Please hold the service and proceed to collect customer verification documents
risk_title string (50) Transaction’s Risk Level Description


card_type=VISA-Dutch Bangla&
tran_date=2017-11-23 18:59:55&
card_issuer=Standard Chartered Bank&

Response Example



Order Validation API

After knowing that the post keys are valid and no moletion done with the request, now it is the time to validate your transaction for amount and transaction. It will only treated as valid if amount and transaction status are valid at SSL End

So, Let’s call the API and the example given below


Request Parameters

Param Name Data Type Description
val_id string (50) Mandatory – A Validation ID against the successful transaction which is provided by SSLCOMMERZ.
store_id string (30) Mandatory – Your SSLCOMMERZ Store ID is the integration credential which can be collected through our managers
store_passwd string (30) Mandatory – Your SSLCOMMERZ Store Password is the integration credential which can be collected through our managers
format string (10) Predefined value is json or xml. This parameter is used to get the response in two different format such as json or xml. By default it returns json format.
v integer (1) Open for future use only.

Returned Parameters

Param Name Data Type Description
status string (20) Transaction Status. This parameter needs to be checked before update your database as a successful transaction.
  • VALID : A successful transaction.
  • VALIDATED : A successful transaction but called by your end more than one.
  • INVALID_TRANSACTION : Invalid validation id (val_id).
tran_date datetime Transaction date – Payment completion date as 2016-05-08 15:53:49 ( PHP date(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’) )
tran_id string (30) Transaction ID (Unique) that was sent by you during initiation. This parameter needs to be validated with your system database for security
val_id string (50) A Validation ID against the Transaction which is provided by SSLCOMMERZ.
amount decimal (10,2) The total amount sent by you. However, it could be changed based on currency type. This parameter needs to be validated with your system database for security
store_amount decimal (10,2) The amount what you will get in your account after bank charge ( Example: 100 BDT will be your store amount of 96 BDT after 4% Bank Commission )
card_type string (50) The Bank Gateway Name that customer selected
card_no string (80) Customer’s Card number. However, for Mobile Banking and Internet Banking, it will return customer’s reference id.
currency string (3) Currency Type which will be settled with your merchant account after deducting the Gateway charges. This parameter is the currency type of the parameter amount
bank_tran_id string (80) The transaction ID at Banks End
card_issuer string (50) Issuer Bank Name
card_brand string (30) VISA, MASTER, AMEX, IB or MOBILE BANKING
card_issuer_country string (50) Country of Card Issuer Bank
card_issuer_country_code string (2) 2 digits short code of Country of Card Issuer Bank
currency_type string (3) The currency you have sent during initiation of this transaction. If the currency is different than BDT, then it will be converted to BDT by the current conversion rate. This parameter needs to be validated with your system database for security
currency_amount decimal (10,2) The currency amount you have sent during initiation of this transaction. If the amount is not mentioned in BDT, then it will be converted to BDT by the current conversion rate and return by the above field amount. This parameter needs to be validated with your system database for security
emi_instalment integer (2) Tenure of the EMI transaction which is choosen by the customer.
emi_amount decimal (10,2) EMI charge which will be paid to the Issuer Bank
discount_amount decimal (10,2) If customer gets any discount based on the campaign is managed by both you and SSLCOMMERZ.Here, it will return the amount which is given as discount.
discount_percentage decimal (10,2) If customer gets any discount based on the campaign is managed by both you and SSLCOMMERZ. Here, it will return the discount percentage.
discount_remarks string (255) Short description of the campaign which is managed by both you and SSLCOMMERZ.
value_a string (255) Same Value will be returned as Passed during initiation
value_b string (255) Same Value will be returned as Passed during initiation
value_c string (255) Same Value will be returned as Passed during initiation
value_d string (255) Same Value will be returned as Passed during initiation
risk_level integer (1) Transaction’s Risk Level – High (1) for most risky transactions and Low (0) for safe transactions. Please hold the service and proceed to collect customer verification documents
risk_title string (50) Transaction’s Risk Level Description

GET validator/api/validationserverAPI.php

Request Example

$ curl -X GET ''

Response Example

   "tran_date":"2017-09-16 20:25:27",
   "card_type":"VISA-Brac bank",
   "card_issuer":"STANDARD CHARTERED BANK",
   "validated_on":"2017-09-16 20:25:37",


PHP Code to Call the Validation API

$requested_url = ("".$val_id."&store_id=".$store_id."&store_passwd=".$store_passwd."&v=1&format=json");

$handle = curl_init();
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_URL, $requested_url);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); # IF YOU RUN FROM LOCAL PC
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); # IF YOU RUN FROM LOCAL PC

$result = curl_exec($handle);

$code = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

if($code == 200 && !( curl_errno($handle)))

	# $result = json_decode($result, true);
	# $status = $result['status'];

	$result = json_decode($result);

	$status = $result->status;
	$tran_date = $result->tran_date;
	$tran_id = $result->tran_id;
	$val_id = $result->val_id;
	$amount = $result->amount;
	$store_amount = $result->store_amount;
	$bank_tran_id = $result->bank_tran_id;
	$card_type = $result->card_type;

	$emi_ instalment = $result->emi_instalment;
	$emi_ amount = $result->emi_ amount;
	$emi_description = $result->emi_description;
	$emi_issuer = $result->emi_issuer;

	$card_no = $result->card_no;
	$card_issuer = $result->card_issuer;
	$card_brand = $result->card_brand;
	$card_issuer_country = $result->card_issuer_country;
	$card_issuer_country_code = $result->card_issuer_country_code;

	$APIConnect = $result->APIConnect;
	$validated_on = $result->validated_on;
	$gw_version = $result->gw_version;

} else {

	echo "Failed to connect with SSLCOMMERZ";

Security Check Points

  • Track your order by transaction ID and check it in your database for existance
  • Must validate amount and incoming amount from your Database
  • Also check the currency type to avoid frauds
  • Check for the status – VALID, FAILED, CANCEL to update your order status

Update Your Transaction

So, Your order and amount validated and it is ready for update in your database. If status is Valid and validation status Valid then update your database according to the status. and wait for your user to your website to show him/her the success, fail, and cancel page.

Easy Checkout - Integration Process

Pop up widget and hosted checkout.

Hosted Checkout Process

This process is as same as normal transaction initiation process. You have to redirect customer to GatewayPageURL

See normal transaction initiation process.

Pop Up Checkout Process

This process requires some javascript code to be included in your website. A backend code will assist this popup to initiate the transaction.

Step 1

Add this code block at the end of body content in your html or view file. (before </body>)


(function (window, document) {
	var loader = function () {
	    var script = document.createElement("script"), tag = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
	    script.src = "" + Math.random().toString(36).substring(7);
	    tag.parentNode.insertBefore(script, tag);

	window.addEventListener ? window.addEventListener("load", loader, false) : window.attachEvent("onload", loader);
})(window, document);


(function (window, document) {
	var loader = function () {
		var script = document.createElement("script"), tag = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
		script.src = "" + Math.random().toString(36).substring(7);
		tag.parentNode.insertBefore(script, tag);

	window.addEventListener ? window.addEventListener("load", loader, false) : window.attachEvent("onload", loader);
})(window, document);

Step 2

Add a button which your customer will click to pay. Pass your parameters in this button

<button class="your-button-class" id="sslczPayBtn"
		 token="if you have any token validation"
		 postdata="your javascript arrays or objects which requires in backend"
		 order="If you already have the transaction generated for current order"
		 endpoint="An URL where backend code will initiate the payment to SSLCOMMERZ"> Pay Now

Backend transaction Initiation process

// if you have order id generated catch the order_id key and query in your database. otherwise pass json data to postdata key of button to catch here

$post_data = array();
$post_data['store_id'] = "your-store-id";
$post_data['store_passwd'] = "your-store-password";
$post_data['total_amount'] = "50";
$post_data['currency'] = "BDT";
$post_data['tran_id'] = "your unique order id".uniqid();
$post_data['success_url'] = "your payment application success url";
$post_data['fail_url'] = "your payment application fail url";
$post_data['cancel_url'] = "your payment application cancel url";

$post_data['cus_name'] = "";
$post_data['cus_email'] = "";
$post_data['cus_add1'] = "Dhaka";
$post_data['cus_add2'] = "Dhaka";
$post_data['cus_city'] = "Dhaka";
$post_data['cus_state'] = "Dhaka";
$post_data['cus_postcode'] = "1000";
$post_data['cus_country'] = "Bangladesh";
$post_data['cus_phone'] = '';
$post_data['cus_fax'] = "";

$post_data['ship_name'] = "Store Test";
$post_data['ship_add1 '] = "Dhaka";
$post_data['ship_add2'] = "Dhaka";
$post_data['ship_city'] = "Dhaka";
$post_data['ship_state'] = "Dhaka";
$post_data['ship_postcode'] = "1000";
$post_data['ship_country'] = "Bangladesh";

$post_data['value_a'] = "ref001";
$post_data['value_b '] = "ref002";
$post_data['value_c'] = "ref003";
$post_data['value_d'] = "ref004";

$post_data['emi_option'] = "1";

$post_data['cart'] = json_encode(array(
    array("product"=>"DHK TO BRS AC A1","amount"=>"200.00"),
    array("product"=>"DHK TO BRS AC A2","amount"=>"200.00"),
    array("product"=>"DHK TO BRS AC A3","amount"=>"200.00"),
    array("product"=>"DHK TO BRS AC A4","amount"=>"200.00")
$post_data['product_amount'] = "100";
$post_data['vat'] = "5";
$post_data['discount_amount'] = "5";
$post_data['convenience_fee'] = "3";

//$post_data['allowed_bin'] = "3,4";
//$post_data['allowed_bin'] = "470661";
//$post_data['allowed_bin'] = "470661,376947";

$direct_api_url = "";

$handle = curl_init();
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_URL, $direct_api_url );
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_POST, 1 );
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

$content = curl_exec($handle );

$code = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

if($code == 200 && !( curl_errno($handle))) {
    curl_close( $handle);
    $sslcommerzResponse = $content;
} else {
    curl_close( $handle);

$sslcz = json_decode($sslcommerzResponse, true );

//var_dump($sslcz); exit;

if(isset($sslcz['GatewayPageURL']) && $sslcz['GatewayPageURL']!="") {
	// this is important to show the popup, return or echo to sent json response back
   return  json_encode(['status' => 'success', 'data' => $sslcz['GatewayPageURL'], 'logo' => $sslcz['storeLogo'] ]);
} else {
   return  json_encode(['status' => 'fail', 'data' => null, 'message' => "JSON Data parsing error!"]);

Refund API

You can use the refund API to initiate a transaction.

Initiate The Refund

So, Let’s call the API and the example given below


Request Parameters

Param Name Data Type Description
bank_tran_id string (80) Mandatory – The transaction ID at Banks End
store_id string (30) Mandatory – Your SSLCOMMERZ Store ID is the integration credential which can be collected through our managers
store_passwd string (30) Mandatory – Your SSLCOMMERZ Store Password is the integration credential which can be collected through our managers
refund_amount decimal (10,2) Mandatory – The amount will be refunded to card holder’s account.
refund_remarks string (255) Mandatory – The reason of refund.
refe_id string (50) You can provide any reference number of your system to reconcile.
format string (10) Predefined value is json or xml. This parameter is used to get the response in two different format such as json or xml. By default it returns json format.

Returned Parameters

Param Name Data Type Description
APIConnect string (30) API Connection Status –
  • INVALID_REQUEST : Invalid data imputed to call the API
  • FAILED : API Authentication Failed
  • INACTIVE : API User/Store ID is Inactive
  • DONE : API Connection Success
bank_tran_id string (80) The transaction ID at Banks End
trans_id string (30) Will be return only when the Authentication is success and the bank_tran_id is a valid id
refund_ref_id string (50) This parameter will be returned only when the request successfully initiates
status string (30) Will be returned only when the authentication is success and the value will be as below,
  • success : Refund request is initiated successfully
  • failed : Refund request is failed to initiate
  • processing : The refund has been initiated already
errorReason string (255) Failure reason to initiate the refund request

Security Check Points

  • Your Public IP must be registered at SSLCOMMERZ Live System

GET validator/api/merchantTransIDvalidationAPI.php

Request Example

$ curl -X GET ''

Response Example

  "APIConnect": "DONE",
  "bank_tran_id": "1709162345070ANJdZV8LyI4cMw",
  "trans_id": "SSLCZ_TEST_59bd635981a94",
  "refund_ref_id": "59bd63fea5455",
  "status": "success",
  "errorReason": ""

PHP Code to Initiate the Refund by API

$refund_remarks=urlencode('Out of Stock');

$requested_url = ("$refund_amount&refund_remarks=$refund_remarks&bank_tran_id=$bank_tran_id&store_id=$store_id&store_passwd=$store_passwd&v=1&format=json");

$handle = curl_init();
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_URL, $requested_url);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); # IF YOU RUN FROM LOCAL PC
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); # IF YOU RUN FROM LOCAL PC

$result = curl_exec($handle);

$code = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

if($code == 200 && !( curl_errno($handle)))

	# $result = json_decode($result, true);
	# $status = $result['status'];

	$result = json_decode($result);

	$status = $result->status;
	$bank_tran_id = $result->bank_tran_id;
	$trans_id = $result->trans_id;
	$refund_ref_id = $result->refund_ref_id;
	$errorReason = $result->errorReason;

	$APIConnect = $result->APIConnect;

} else {

	echo "Failed to connect with SSLCOMMERZ";

Query Refund Status

You can check the status of a refund whether it is refunded to customer account.

So, Let’s call the API and the example given below


Request Parameters

Param Name Data Type Description
refund_ref_id string (50) Mandatory – This parameter will be returned only when the request successfully initiates
store_id string (30) Mandatory – Your SSLCOMMERZ Store ID is the integration credential which can be collected through our managers
store_passwd string (30) Mandatory – Your SSLCOMMERZ Store Password is the integration credential which can be collected through our managers

Returned Parameters

Param Name Data Type Description
refund_ref_id string (50) Mandatory – This parameter will be returned only when the request successfully initiates
store_id string (30) Mandatory – Your SSLCOMMERZ Store ID is the integration credential which can be collected through our managers
store_passwd string (30) Mandatory – Your SSLCOMMERZ Store Password is the integration credential which can be collected through our managers

Security Check Points

  • Your Public IP must be registered at SSLCOMMERZ Live System

GET validator/api/merchantTransIDvalidationAPI.php

Request Example

$ curl -X GET ''

Response Example

  "APIConnect": "DONE",
  "bank_tran_id": "1709162345070ANJdZV8LyI4cMw",
  "tran_id": "SSLCZ_TEST_59bd635981a94",
  "initiated_on": "2017-09-16 23:48:46",
  "refunded_on": "2017-09-17 08:53:51",
  "status": "refunded",
  "refund_ref_id": "59bd63fea5455"

PHP Code to query the Refund Status by API


$requested_url = ("$refund_ref_id&store_id=$store_id&store_passwd=$store_passwd&format=json");

$handle = curl_init();
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_URL, $requested_url);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); # IF YOU RUN FROM LOCAL PC
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); # IF YOU RUN FROM LOCAL PC

$result = curl_exec($handle);

$code = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

if($code == 200 && !( curl_errno($handle)))

	# $result = json_decode($result, true);
	# $status = $result['status'];

	$result = json_decode($result);

	$status = $result->status;
	$bank_tran_id = $result->bank_tran_id;
	$trans_id = $result->trans_id;
	$refund_ref_id = $result->refund_ref_id;
	$errorReason = $result->errorReason;

	$APIConnect = $result->APIConnect;

} else {

	echo "Failed to connect with SSLCOMMERZ";

Transaction Query API

You can query your transaction status any time while you want. For ticketing system or product limitation, it will help you to release before recheck.

By Session ID

You can check the status of a transaction by the session id
So, Let’s call the API and the example given below


Request Parameters

Param Name Data Type Description
sessionkey string (50) Mandatory – The session id has been generated at the time of transaction initiated.
store_id string (30) Mandatory – Your SSLCOMMERZ Store ID is the integration credential which can be collected through our managers
store_passwd string (30) Mandatory – Your SSLCOMMERZ Store Password is the integration credential which can be collected through our managers

Returned Parameters

Param Name Data Type Description
APIConnect string (30) API Connection Status –
  • INVALID_REQUEST : Invalid data imputed to call the API
  • FAILED : API Authentication Failed
  • INACTIVE : API User/Store ID is Inactive
  • DONE : API Connection Success
status string (20) Transaction Status. This parameter needs to be checked before update your database as a successful transaction.
  • VALID : A successful transaction.
  • VALIDATED : A successful transaction but called by your end more than one.
  • PENDING : The transaction is still not completed and waiting to get the status.
  • FAILED : The transaction is failed.
sessionkey string (50) The session id has been generated at the time of transaction initiated.
tran_date datetime Transaction date – Payment completion date as 2016-05-08 15:53:49 ( PHP date(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’) )
tran_id string (30) Transaction ID (Unique) that was sent by you during initiation. This parameter needs to be validated with your system database for security
val_id string (50) A Validation ID against the Transaction which is provided by SSLCOMMERZ.
amount decimal (10,2) The total amount sent by you. However, it could be changed based on currency type. This parameter needs to be validated with your system database for security
store_amount decimal (10,2) The amount what you will get in your account after bank charge ( Example: 100 BDT will be your store amount of 96 BDT after 4% Bank Commission )
card_type string (50) The Bank Gateway Name that customer selected
card_no string (80) Customer’s Card number. However, for Mobile Banking and Internet Banking, it will return customer’s reference id.
currency string (3) Currency Type which will be settled with your merchant account after deducting the Gateway charges. This parameter is the currency type of the parameter amount
bank_tran_id string (80) The transaction ID at Banks End
card_issuer string (50) Issuer Bank Name
card_brand string (30) VISA, MASTER, AMEX, IB or MOBILE BANKING
card_issuer_country string (50) Country of Card Issuer Bank
card_issuer_country_code string (2) 2 digits short code of Country of Card Issuer Bank
currency_type string (3) The currency you have sent during initiation of this transaction. If the currency is different than BDT, then it will be converted to BDT by the current conversion rate. This parameter needs to be validated with your system database for security
currency_amount decimal (10,2) The currency amount you have sent during initiation of this transaction. If the amount is not mentioned in BDT, then it will be converted to BDT by the current conversion rate and return by the above field amount. This parameter needs to be validated with your system database for security
emi_instalment integer (2) Tenure of the EMI transaction which is choosen by the customer.
emi_amount decimal (10,2) EMI charge which will be paid to the Issuer Bank
discount_percentage decimal (10,2) If customer gets any discount based on the campaign is managed by both you and SSLCOMMERZ.
discount_remarks string (255) Short description of the campaign which is managed by both you and SSLCOMMERZ.
value_a string (255) Same Value will be returned as Passed during initiation
value_b string (255) Same Value will be returned as Passed during initiation
value_c string (255) Same Value will be returned as Passed during initiation
value_d string (255) Same Value will be returned as Passed during initiation
risk_level integer (1) Transaction’s Risk Level – High (1) for most risky transactions and Low (0) for safe transactions. Please hold the service and proceed to collect customer verification documents
risk_title string (50) Transaction’s Risk Level Decription

GET validator/api/merchantTransIDvalidationAPI.php

Request Example

$ curl -X GET ''

Response Example

  "status": "VALID",
  "sessionkey": "C3329C5E252DF44B323D9BAF47ACBCD9",
  "tran_date": "2017-09-20 23:37:56",
  "tran_id": "59C2A4F6432F8",
  "val_id": "1709202338060TUgLqWw1PgB4GA",
  "amount": "10.00",
  "store_amount": "9.6",
  "bank_tran_id": "1709202338061Ac2MhyeosVJmUh",
  "card_type": "VISA-Brac bank",
  "card_no": "418117XXXXXX6675",
  "card_issuer": "TRUST BANK, LTD.",
  "card_brand": "VISA",
  "card_issuer_country": "Bangladesh",
  "card_issuer_country_code": "BD",
  "currency_type": "USD",
  "currency_amount": "10.00",
  "currency_rate": "1.0000",
  "base_fair": "0.00",
  "value_a": "",
  "value_b": "",
  "value_c": "",
  "value_d": "",
  "risk_title": "Safe",
  "risk_level": "0",
  "APIConnect": "DONE",
  "validated_on": "2017-09-20 23:38:07",
  "gw_version": "3.00"

PHP Code to Get Transaction Info By Session ID

$requested_url = ("".$sessionkey."&store_id=".$store_id."&store_passwd=".$store_passwd."&v=1&format=json");

$handle = curl_init();
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_URL, $requested_url);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); # IF YOU RUN FROM LOCAL PC
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); # IF YOU RUN FROM LOCAL PC

$result = curl_exec($handle);

$code = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

if($code == 200 && !( curl_errno($handle)))

	# $result = json_decode($result, true);
	# $status = $result['status'];

	$result = json_decode($result);

	$status = $result->status;
	$tran_date = $result->tran_date;
	$tran_id = $result->tran_id;
	$val_id = $result->val_id;
	$amount = $result->amount;
	$store_amount = $result->store_amount;
	$bank_tran_id = $result->bank_tran_id;
	$card_type = $result->card_type;

	$emi_ instalment = $result->emi_instalment;
	$emi_ amount = $result->emi_ amount;
	$emi_description = $result->emi_description;
	$emi_issuer = $result->emi_issuer;

	$card_no = $result->card_no;
	$card_issuer = $result->card_issuer;
	$card_brand = $result->card_brand;
	$card_issuer_country = $result->card_issuer_country;
	$card_issuer_country_code = $result->card_issuer_country_code;

	$APIConnect = $result->APIConnect;
	$validated_on = $result->validated_on;
	$gw_version = $result->gw_version;

} else {

	echo "Failed to connect with SSLCOMMERZ";

By Transaction ID

You can check the status of a transaction by your transaction id.
So, Let’s call the API and the example given below


Request Parameters

Param Name Data Type Description
tran_id string (50) Mandatory – Transaction ID (Unique) that was sent by you during initiation.
store_id string (30) Mandatory – Your SSLCOMMERZ Store ID is the integration credential which can be collected through our managers
store_passwd string (30) Mandatory – Your SSLCOMMERZ Store Password is the integration credential which can be collected through our managers

Returned Parameters

Param Name Data Type Description
APIConnect string (30) API Connection Status –
  • INVALID_REQUEST : Invalid data imputed to call the API
  • FAILED : API Authentication Failed
  • INACTIVE : API User/Store ID is Inactive
  • DONE : API Connection Success
no_of_trans_found integer (2) No of transaction is found against the transaction id.
element json Details of individual transactions.
element.[].status string (20) Transaction Status. This parameter needs to be checked before update your database as a successful transaction.
  • VALID : A successful transaction.
  • VALIDATED : A successful transaction but called by your end more than one.
  • PENDING : The transaction is still not completed and waiting to get the status.
  • FAILED : The transaction is failed.
element.[].tran_date datetime Transaction date – Payment completion date as 2016-05-08 15:53:49 ( PHP date(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’) )
element.[].tran_id string (30) Transaction ID (Unique) that was sent by you during initiation. This parameter needs to be validated with your system database for security
element.[].val_id string (50) A Validation ID against the Transaction which is provided by SSLCOMMERZ.
element.[].amount decimal (10,2) The total amount sent by you. However, it could be changed based on currency type. This parameter needs to be validated with your system database for security
element.[].store_amount decimal (10,2) The amount what you will get in your account after bank charge ( Example: 100 BDT will be your store amount of 96 BDT after 4% Bank Commission )
element.[].card_type string (50) The Bank Gateway Name that customer selected
element.[].card_no string (80) Customer’s Card number. However, for Mobile Banking and Internet Banking, it will return customer’s reference id.
element.[].currency string (3) Currency Type which will be settled with your merchant account after deducting the Gateway charges. This parameter is the currency type of the parameter amount
element.[].bank_tran_id string (80) The transaction ID at Banks End
element.[].card_issuer string (50) Issuer Bank Name
element.[].card_brand string (30) VISA, MASTER, AMEX, IB or MOBILE BANKING
element.[].card_issuer_country string (50) Country of Card Issuer Bank
element.[].card_issuer_country_code string (2) 2 digits short code of Country of Card Issuer Bank
element.[].currency_type string (3) The currency you have sent during initiation of this transaction. If the currency is different than BDT, then it will be converted to BDT by the current conversion rate. This parameter needs to be validated with your system database for security
element.[].currency_amount decimal (10,2) The currency amount you have sent during initiation of this transaction. If the amount is not mentioned in BDT, then it will be converted to BDT by the current conversion rate and return by the above field amount. This parameter needs to be validated with your system database for security
element.[].emi_instalment integer (2) Tenure of the EMI transaction which is choosen by the customer.
element.[].emi_amount decimal (10,2) EMI charge which will be paid to the Issuer Bank
element.[].discount_percentage decimal (10,2) If customer gets any discount based on the campaign is managed by both you and SSLCOMMERZ.
element.[].discount_remarks string (255) Short description of the campaign which is managed by both you and SSLCOMMERZ.
element.[].value_a string (255) Same Value will be returned as Passed during initiation
element.[].value_b string (255) Same Value will be returned as Passed during initiation
element.[].value_c string (255) Same Value will be returned as Passed during initiation
element.[].value_d string (255) Same Value will be returned as Passed during initiation
element.[].risk_level integer (1) Transaction’s Risk Level – High (1) for most risky transactions and Low (0) for safe transactions. Please hold the service and proceed to collect customer verification documents
element.[].risk_title string (50) Transaction’s Risk Level Description
element.[].error string (255) Transaction failed reason (if any)!

GET validator/api/merchantTransIDvalidationAPI.php

Request Example

$ curl -X GET ''

Response Example

  "APIConnect": "DONE",
  "no_of_trans_found": 5,
  "element": [
      "val_id": "17092023365512Wr2jmzTG69nV6",
      "status": "VALIDATED",
      "validated_on": "2017-09-20 23:43:17",
      "currency_type": "USD",
      "currency_amount": "10.00",
      "currency_rate": "1.0000",
      "base_fair": "0.00",
      "value_a": "",
      "value_b": "",
      "value_c": "",
      "value_d": "",
      "tran_date": "2017-09-20 23:35:59",
      "tran_id": "59C2A4F6432F8",
      "amount": "10.00",
      "store_amount": "9.75",
      "bank_tran_id": "17092023365508TFa1fjTrvgIhz",
      "card_type": "VISA-City Bank",
      "risk_title": "Safe",
      "risk_level": "0",
      "currency": "BDT",
      "bank_gw": "City Bank",
      "card_no": "",
      "card_issuer": "",
      "card_brand": "",
      "card_issuer_country": "",
      "card_issuer_country_code": "",
      "gw_version": "3.00",
      "emi_instalment": "0",
      "emi_amount": "",
      "emi_description": "",
      "emi_issuer": "",
      "error": ""
      "val_id": "1709202337441xmrBBLB7KPdf65",
      "status": "VALIDATED",
      "validated_on": "2017-09-20 23:43:17",
      "currency_type": "USD",
      "currency_amount": "10.00",
      "currency_rate": "1.0000",
      "base_fair": "0.00",
      "value_a": "",
      "value_b": "",
      "value_c": "",
      "value_d": "",
      "tran_date": "2017-09-20 23:37:36",
      "tran_id": "59C2A4F6432F8",
      "amount": "10.00",
      "store_amount": "9.6",
      "bank_tran_id": "1709202337441P84QskOyarFmik",
      "card_type": "VISA-Brac bank",
      "risk_title": "Not Safe",
      "risk_level": "1",
      "currency": "BDT",
      "bank_gw": "Brac bank",
      "card_no": "450850******4050",
      "card_brand": "VISA",
      "card_issuer_country": "Spain",
      "card_issuer_country_code": "ES",
      "gw_version": "3.00",
      "emi_instalment": "0",
      "emi_amount": "",
      "emi_description": "",
      "emi_issuer": "",
      "error": ""
      "val_id": "1709202338060TUgLqWw1PgB4GA",
      "status": "VALIDATED",
      "validated_on": "2017-09-20 23:43:17",
      "currency_type": "USD",
      "currency_amount": "10.00",
      "currency_rate": "1.0000",
      "base_fair": "0.00",
      "value_a": "",
      "value_b": "",
      "value_c": "",
      "value_d": "",
      "tran_date": "2017-09-20 23:37:56",
      "tran_id": "59C2A4F6432F8",
      "amount": "10.00",
      "store_amount": "9.6",
      "bank_tran_id": "1709202338061Ac2MhyeosVJmUh",
      "card_type": "VISA-Brac bank",
      "risk_title": "Safe",
      "risk_level": "0",
      "currency": "BDT",
      "bank_gw": "Brac bank",
      "card_no": "418117XXXXXX6675",
      "card_issuer": "TRUST BANK, LTD.",
      "card_brand": "VISA",
      "card_issuer_country": "Bangladesh",
      "card_issuer_country_code": "BD",
      "gw_version": "3.00",
      "emi_instalment": "0",
      "emi_amount": "",
      "emi_description": "",
      "emi_issuer": "",
      "error": ""
      "val_id": "",
      "status": "FAILED",
      "validated_on": "",
      "currency_type": "USD",
      "currency_amount": "10.00",
      "currency_rate": "1.0000",
      "base_fair": "0.00",
      "value_a": "",
      "value_b": "",
      "value_c": "",
      "value_d": "",
      "tran_date": "2017-09-20 23:41:42",
      "tran_id": "59C2A4F6432F8",
      "amount": "10.00",
      "store_amount": "",
      "bank_tran_id": "1709202341529IZWH403Vt8eE4F",
      "card_type": "",
      "risk_title": "Safe",
      "risk_level": "0",
      "currency": "BDT",
      "bank_gw": "Brac bank",
      "card_no": "421481XXXXXX4177",
      "card_issuer": "STANDARD CHARTERED BANK",
      "card_brand": "VISA",
      "card_issuer_country": "Bangladesh",
      "card_issuer_country_code": "BD",
      "gw_version": "3.00",
      "emi_instalment": "0",
      "emi_amount": "",
      "emi_description": "",
      "emi_issuer": "",
      "error": "system error: (unable to process transaction request)"
      "val_id": "1709202342050Zhrs010c4wKCg5",
      "status": "VALIDATED",
      "validated_on": "2017-09-20 23:43:17",
      "currency_type": "USD",
      "currency_amount": "10.00",
      "currency_rate": "1.0000",
      "base_fair": "0.00",
      "value_a": "",
      "value_b": "",
      "value_c": "",
      "value_d": "",
      "tran_date": "2017-09-20 23:41:56",
      "tran_id": "59C2A4F6432F8",
      "amount": "10.00",
      "store_amount": "9.7",
      "bank_tran_id": "170920234205YDkTyzRWy6zHVkw",
      "card_type": "VISA-Dutch Bangla",
      "risk_title": "Safe",
      "risk_level": "0",
      "currency": "BDT",
      "bank_gw": "Dutch Bangla",
      "card_no": "455445XXXXXX4326",
      "card_issuer": "STANDARD CHARTERED BANK",
      "card_brand": "VISA",
      "card_issuer_country": "Bangladesh",
      "card_issuer_country_code": "BD",
      "gw_version": "3.00",
      "emi_instalment": "0",
      "emi_amount": "",
      "emi_description": "",
      "emi_issuer": "",
      "error": ""

PHP Code to Get Transaction Info By Transaction ID

$requested_url = ("".$tran_id."&store_id=".$store_id."&store_passwd=".$store_passwd."&v=1&format=json");

$handle = curl_init();
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_URL, $requested_url);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); # IF YOU RUN FROM LOCAL PC
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); # IF YOU RUN FROM LOCAL PC

$result = curl_exec($handle);

$code = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

$whether_give_the_service = false;

$t_status = "";

if($code == 200 && !( curl_errno($handle))) {

	$result = json_decode($result, true);
	if(isset($result['APIConnect']) && $result['APIConnect']=='DONE') {
		if(isset($result['element'])) {

			foreach($result['element'] as $t) {


				$tran_date = $t['tran_date'];

				$tran_id = $t['tran_id'];
				$amount = $t['amount'];
				$bank_gw = $t['bank_gw'];
				$card_type = $t['card_type'];
				$card_no = $t['card_no'];
				$card_issuer = $t['card_issuer'];
				$card_brand = $t['card_brand'];
				$card_issuer_country = $t['card_issuer_country'];

				$card_issuer_country_code = $t['card_issuer_country_code'];
				$status = $t['status'];
				$error = $t['error'];
				$risk_title = $t['risk_title'];
				$risk_level = $t['risk_level'];

				$t_status = $status;

				if($status=='VALID') {	# CHECK CONDITIONS
					$t_status = "Successful Transaction, Please check AMOUNT with your System. ";
					if($risk_level=='1') {
						$t_status = "Payment is Risky";

				} else if ($status=='VALIDATED') {
					$t_status = "Successful Transaction already validated by you, Please check AMOUNT with your System. ";
					if($risk_level=='1') {
						$t_status = "Payment is Risky";
			$t_status = "No Record Found";
		$t_status = "API Connection Failed";
	$t_status = "Failed to connect with SSLCOMMERZ";

echo $t_status;

Common Issues

Network Issues
  • The Listener must use the common port like 80 or 443
  • Your IPN Listener must be reachable from Internet
  • White-list the SSLCOMMERZ IPs at your network firewall
  • Sandbox Access Requirement:
  • TCP 80, 443 needs to be opened at your system from
  • Your system needs to be able to reach TCP 443 of
  • Live Access Requirement:
  • TCP 80, 443 needs to be opened at your system from &
  • Your system needs to be able to reach TCP 443 of &
  • Here, and are the primary IPs
  • However, please keep allow the IPs – &