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Looking for collaboration for your next project? Do not hesitate to contact us to say hello.
From a team of passionate builders working side-by-side with our partners in delivering compliant and certified services to our clients.
SSLCOMMERZ has been authorized and licensed, repeatedly by Bangladesh Bank with the PSO license, for the implementation of controls, guidelines, and meeting regulations of the central bank authorities.
SSL Wireless has been the first and the largest Merchant Solution Provider (MSP) of the country having 7,500+ top e-Commerce merchants and 20+ payment brands under its coverage. After facing rigorous audits, SSL has, year after year, attained the highly sought after, globally recognized, and top tier rating for payment data security.
SSL Wireless has been certified with International Organization for Standardization with the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 level. By meeting the extensive criteria for this standard, it affirms its commitment to information security of data as well as maintainance of the quality of its services through compliance.
SSL Wireless, has been appraised at level 3 of the CMMI Institute’s Capability Maturity Model Integration for Development (CMMI-DEV v1.3) for software development, maintenance, and quality assurance. It underwent the formal evaluation process at company’s headquarters in Dhaka, Bangladesh in first 2020 through a rigorous capability assessment by CMMI Institute, and since then, kept up the standards.
It has also received the Registration Certificate for Telecommunication Value Added Services (TVAS) Provider in Bangladesh from Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC).
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